Foundation Benina (since 1995) is raised with the aim to promote culture in the most broad way/widest sense. Specific activities of the foundation are art-projects, such as artistic filmprojects. The foundation is non-profit.
Foundation Benina has a.o. made possible
- Tijn… Tino, adopted photographer in search of family portrait - 2007 about adoption, documentary broadcasted by HUMAN on dutch television
- Strange - 2004 about heart transplantation, a play for voices broadcasted by HUMAN on Dutch radio - sent in as best radioplay of the year to Berlin (Prix Europa) and New York (Radio Festival)
- Fail or Pass -2002 about learning/education, documentary broadcasted by HUMAN on dutch television - awarded in the main competition of the Film Festival in Thessaloniki – Greece
- Ice over the IJ - 2022 film shown on the ferry in Amsterdam
By funding, sponsoring and donations, activities of Foundation Benina are made possible. In the past a.o. Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, ThuisKopieFonds, NLFilmfonds and Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst have contributed.
All unpaid positions
director Carina Ellemers contact c@ellemers.com
Advisory board
- Janwillem Schrofer
advisor, guest tutor, author (Plan and Play, Play and Plan: Defining Your Art Practice, 2018), previously director of Rijksakademie Amsterdam 1982-2010 - Frans Vreeke
director Tivoli Vredenburg (2014 - 2018) currently interim director Melkweg Amsterdam - Kamiel Koelman
The board
- chairman: Henk Marseille – Haarlem
- treasurer: Joyce Gabeler – Purmerend
- secretary: Joop Laan - Amsterdam
Foundation/Stichting Benina
Nieuwe Amstelstraat 109
1011 PL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
RSIN / fiscal number 805539633
KvK number 41214844
bankaccount NL29 INGB 0000 8374 81